
Announcements and Updates

What's on your mind?

Franchise Tax Board Advisory Board (FTB) Meeting Date Set for September 6, 2017. What’s on your mind?

The FTB Advisory Board is made up of representatives from industry, state, and federal government. The board provides insight and contributions from a non-FTB point of view to Selvi Stanislaus, the executive officer, on the various projects and programs the FTB administers.

After working at the FTB for over 32 years, 7 years as the Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate facilitating the Advisory Board meetings, this is my third year participating as a board member representing taxpayers as an industry professional. 

Having established strong relationships with taxpayers and tax practitioners, I would once again like to hear your input regarding topics that you would like discussed at this upcoming meeting.  In my prior role as Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate many of you were instrumental in providing input on issues that I submitted on your behalf for prior Advisory Board meetings and my Annual Reports to the Legislature (2008 - 2014).

Please provide your topics or concerns by emailing me at  Your input would be greatly appreciated!


Steve Sims